Photos of Monument, Oregon, the surrounding areas, and other things of natural beauty.

Photo Archive

Aug 25, 2007

Slim Jim

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This beautiful plant is actually an eggplant! Its lovely foliage and purple blossoms are pretty enough for the flowerbed, and it pumps out piles of miniature eggplants. Even better, the deer don't touch it. Next year, it's going in the flowerbed for sure.

Aug 16, 2007

Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

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Trees at Yellowstone burned many years ago in a big forest fire. Amazing how long it's been and they still look freshly burned.



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This is apparently a Japanese squash called... I can't remember what it's called.

Aug 15, 2007

Alien Life Form???

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close-up view of a nascent squash blossom.

Little Visitor

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An orchard mason bee (I think that's what they are called) visits a squash blossom.

Aug 14, 2007

Hearst Castle Pool

Neptune Pool at Hearst Castle

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I wonder what it takes to get an invitation to a pool party here? The rest of Hearst Castle was interesting, but the pool is definitely the most breathtaking sight in the complex. One impressive factoid about Julia Morgan that I didn't know before this tour: She was educated as a civil engineer before she went to architecture school. For the Hearst complex, she designed a spring-fed, gravity assisted filtered water system that is still in use, providing water to the house, the visitor center, and the town of San Simeon. Wow.